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求查理和巧克力工廠的英文影評不用太長、一篇高一英語課文是非就好In dangkou66 Depp, Tim dangkou66 found an actor who dangkou66 dangkou66 the dark, dangkou66 tone the dangkou66 dangkou66 for his films. Never has the dangkou66 (dangkou66 And The dangkou66 dangkou66 is their dangkou66 dangkou66) been more dangkou66. Depp is dangkou66 dangkou66 in the role of the dangkou66 dangkou66 Willy Wonka. In dangkou66 Of The dangkou66, Depp dangkou66 his dangkou66 of Jack dangkou66 on Keith dangkou66. For his dangkou66, dangkou66 dangkou66 of Wonka, he dangkou66 a pinch of Pee Wee dangkou66, a dash of Andy dangkou66 and the palid dangkou66 of dangkou66 dangkou66 to dangkou66 an dangkou66 and dangkou66 dangkou66. Depps dangkou66 alone is worth the price of dangkou66, but when dangkou66 with dangkou66s dangkou66 dangkou66, Roald Dahls dangkou66 story and a dangkou66 dangkou66 cast, dangkou66 by the dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 as dangkou66 dangkou66, then dangkou66 And The dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 an dangkou66 treat. dangkou66 has come along way since Dahls book was first dangkou66 for the dangkou66 in 1971 with Gene dangkou66 dangkou66 Willy Wonka. Even the dangkou66, who died in 1990, would have dangkou66 at the dangkou66 world dangkou66 has dangkou66. dangkou66, from the dangkou66 home of the dangkou66 dangkou66 to the dangkou66 dangkou66 with its river of dangkou66, has been dangkou66 from a dangkou66 of a vivid dangkou66, dangkou66 sets and dangkou66 FX. The dangkou66, dangkou66 using only when no other dangkou66 was dangkou66. Its why he had dangkou66 of dangkou66 dangkou66 to dangkou66 dangkou66 tasks but used just one actor (Deep Roy) to play all the Oompa dangkou66. This is a story of an dangkou66 boy, dangkou66 the dangkou66 dangkou66. And dangkou66 dangkou66 may be dangkou66, its dangkou66 clear that where he lives is dangkou66 but. His dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 is dangkou66 into a dangkou66 shack that leans at a dangkou66 angle. dangkou66 their dangkou66 they are dangkou66 dangkou66, a trait dangkou66 by young dangkou66. The young boys dangkou66 with the dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 where his dangkou66 (David Kelly) once dangkou66 dangkou66 a dangkou66 when he finds one of the five lucky dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 a tour of the dangkou66 which have dangkou66 dangkou66 to dangkou66 for 15 years. The four other dangkou66 are dangkou66, dangkou66 brats who are dangkou66 on the tour, given by the dangkou66 dangkou66 Wonka, by their dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66. Enjoy dangkou66, but dont touch, dangkou66 Wonka who dangkou66 has dangkou66 dangkou66 or dangkou66 with the dangkou66. There is dangkou66 a dangkou66 dangkou66 in a dangkou66s story in which most of the dangkou66 are so dangkou66. Its dangkou66 a dangkou66 dangkou66 and dangkou66 John dangkou66 dangkou66 to the full, dangkou66 in the dangkou66 dangkou66 that dangkou66 those who dangkou66. dangkou66, there is a dangkou66 dangkou66 to much of the film, one that dangkou66 dangkou66 on dangkou66 with the dangkou66 of a spoof on the dangkou66 dangkou66 from dangkou66s dangkou66. The storys dangkou66 dangkou66, most of which stem from Wonkas dangkou66 dangkou66 at the hands of a dangkou66 dangkou66 (dangkou66 Lee), are no doubt what dangkou66 dangkou66 in the first place. There are also some very dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 Willy and dangkou66, not to dangkou66 some dangkou66 ones, dangkou66 dangkou66 of Depp whose dangkou66 dangkou66 dangkou66 a laugh from even the most dangkou66 dangkou66. When done well, dangkou66s films have the dangkou66 to dangkou66 the dangkou66 of old and young alike, dangkou66 life into its most dangkou66 and dangkou66 dangkou66. With the dangkou66 dangkou66 of dangkou66, Depp and Dahl, dangkou66 And The dangkou66 dangkou66 does that in the most dangkou66 and dangkou66 way dangkou66. Kevin dangkou66





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